As a student, how can I dispute my study results?
The end of the semester has arrived and holidays beckon. Unfortunately, resits threaten to throw a spanner in the works. You disagree with the marks you got for that one particular subject. Can you still save your academic year and holiday plans?
First of all, look into your exams. Who knows, maybe your teacher had good reasons for giving you a failing grade.
If you still do not agree, consult the education and examination regulations of your educational institution. There you will find the internal appeal procedure, which you will have to go through first. In case of an unfavourable exam decision, you must submit a substantiated request for reconsideration within seven days after the day of your proclamation.
If you still disagree, consult the education and examination regulations of your higher education institution. There you will find the internal appeal procedure, which you will have to go through first. In case of an unfavourable exam decision, you must submit a substantiated request for reconsideration within seven days from the day of your proclamation. The internal appeal procedure will either lead to a reasoned rejection of your request as inadmissible or to a reasoned confirmation or revision of the original decision.
You can then appeal to the Council for Disputes on Study Progress Decisions within a period of 7 days from the day of publication of the result of the internal appeal procedure. However, if your educational institution fails to make a decision, you have a period of 20 days after you filed the internal appeal. If, during this period, your educational institution still announces a date on which it will take a decision, you must lodge an appeal with the Council within 7 days of that decision.
This decision may result in a rejection of your appeal or a cancellation of the examination decision. In the latter case, the Council will force your educational institution to make a new decision. You can challenge that decision again, this time directly before the Council.
Why is it best to consult a lawyer?
If you want to challenge your educational institution's decision, you need to take action very quickly. It is therefore important to make every second count. A lawyer can not only advise you and your parents preventively about the chances of success of a challenge, but will also be able to prepare for you the necessary documents and arguments in time for the internal appeal procedure and the procedure before the Council for Disputes on Study Progress Decisions.
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