Keep up to date with the latest news in and around the advocacy.
Temporary measure: no jail sentence for conviction under five years
Due to the overcrowded prisons, it has been decided that only people with a sentence of more than five years should go straight to prison for the time being.
Apply for the Board of Supervisors as an external member
Are you interested in the deontology and disciplinary law of the legal profession? Then apply to join the Supervisory Board as a non-lawyer.
Independent lawyers, a necessity
On 25 October 2024, it will be European Lawyers Day. This year, this European Lawyers Day will focus on lawyer independence, a subject close to the heart of president Peter Callens.
"Europa voor Echt" reaches young people with legal quiz on rule of law
In the run-up to the last elections, we launched a campaign called "Europa voor Echt", aimed at young people aged between 16 and 23. The campaign, which took place during the month of May, aimed to raise awareness among the younger generation about the importance of the rule of law in Europe.
Majority election programmes threaten rule of law
The rule of law is regularly under pressure. Therefore, it is important to gain insight into how political parties want to shape the rule of law in the future. has analysed the election programmes of the seven Flemish political parties represented in the federal parliament during the past coalition period. A group of experts assessed programme points without knowing which party had drafted which point. After an individual evaluation by each expert, together they reached a consensus on which proposals strengthen, potentially threaten or actually affect the rule of law.
Take a chance on the Thesis Prize and win €2,500!
Did you put your heart and soul into your undergraduate or graduate thesis last year? Was your thesis dedicated to the legal profession, or did you thoroughly research the organisation and workings of justice? If so, you now have the unique opportunity to have your efforts rewarded!
Looking for practical answers about a lawyer?
What does a lawyer cost?
A lawyer receives a fee, supplemented by compensation for expenses incurred. Therefore, make good arrangements with your lawyer in advance. That way, there will be no surprises.
What does a lawyer do?
Advise, mediate, negotiate and defend. A lawyer can help you in various ways. Both inside and outside a court.
What is a lawyer?
A lawyer is there to advise and assist you. Throughout the various stages of your life, you may come into contact with the law. A lawyer will then guide you through the legal maze. Even if you are an entrepreneur, the advice and assistance of a lawyer is no luxury.