How can I dispute an invoice?
You can avoid many problems beforehand by working with a quotation or specifications. But unfortunately, that does not guarantee a trouble-free invoice. What can you do if you don't agree?
If you do not agree with the final amount on the invoice, you can dispute it. However, a company is expected to do so within a reasonable period of time. For the sake of caution, a consumer is also well advised to dispute a disputed invoice (in a timely manner).
It is best to dispute the invoice in writing and with reasons, preferably by registered letter, so that you later have proof that you have done so and that your message has arrived. You can of course discuss the invoice over the phone first, but it is best to confirm the conversation in writing (and with reasons).
It is important to specify which exact parts of the invoice your protest is about. If you only dispute part of the invoice, you would also do well to pay the non-contested part. This shows good will and will give extra strength to your protest. Make sure that the unpaid or disputed part is proportional to the contractual default.
If you subsequently receive a reminder for a protested invoice that you have not yet paid, it is best to respond again, enclosing a copy of the original invoice protest.
Do I need a lawyer?
A lawyer can help you assess whether your dispute was conducted properly, whether it is effectively correct and what rights you have. They will also help you exercise those rights. Together with you, he or she will go through all the possibilities and work to find the best solution.
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