What can I do about non-payment?
You yourself do your best day in, day out to keep your business running. Then it is disappointing when you notice that customers are not paying or not paying correctly. What can you do?
First, try to cover yourself contractually as much as possible against defaulters. And if you are confronted with a defaulter, you can start by sending this customer (a) payment reminder(s) or contacting him (or her) by telephone.
If the customer still refuses to pay, you can take various steps: formal notice, amicable recovery, extrajudicial collection procedure for undisputed debts, legal proceedings ... But this depends very much on your case. For this, it is best to consult a lawyer.
Do I need a lawyer?
You can take the first steps as described above perfectly well by yourself, i.e. sending the defaulter (a) payment reminder(s) and/or contacting him by phone.
The steps after that are more complicated. That's where a lawyer can help you reach a discreet solution with your defaulter in confidence. That way, you hopefully don't damage the relationship too much and you can hopefully work together constructively again in the future, without then financial debacles.
Your lawyer can also help you avoid problems like this in the future. He or she will go over your conditions with you and how you can take certain steps based on them yourself.
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