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I have an argument with my neighbours, now what?

Better a good neighbour than a distant friend! Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes, frustrations and minor problems escalate into high-stakes quarrels. From noise pollution and right-of-way to overhanging branches, every imaginable scenario has already made it to court.

But you will come across your neighbour more often and you might need them one day. Therefore, it is in everyone's interest to always reach a good solution for both parties. Therefore, always try to engage in consultation and come to a solution first. If that fails, you can of course always turn to a lawyer.

Can a lawyer help me?

A lawyer can play a significance in resolving a neighbour dispute at various times. If your neighbour is unresponsive to your own efforts to reach a solution, you can hire a lawyer to help.

Your lawyer can also play an important role in any negotiations. Thus, mediation is a cheap and less invasive alternative to court proceedings. Many lawyers can also act as mediators. This already gives you the advantage that the lawyer has the necessary legal knowledge and experience.

It goes without saying that a lawyer can also assist you if the dispute does go to court. They know how to do this and have the (legal) knowledge and experience to help you find the best possible solution.

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