I want to live together
If you and your partner choose to live together, it is important to inform yourself well about the consequences. This is because there are major, legal differences between different forms of cohabitation.
Legal cohabitation is not the same as actual cohabitation. To live together legally, you both make a declaration at the civil registry of your city or municipality. To simply live together de facto, you simply have to live at the same address. The former brings legal obligations, the latter does not. For example, as legally cohabiting partners, you both have to contribute to the costs of living together and you both also have limited inheritance rights if one of you dies.
In both cases, the rights and obligations can also be extended or restricted with a cohabitation contract, in which you can set your own conditions. You are free to make further arrangements in a cohabitation contract about, for example, your assets and the rules of evidence regarding them. This is not only important during the period you are living together, but can also be important in the event of a divorce.
For your information: cohabitation does not necessarily have to be with a (amorous) partner but can also be with a friend or family member.
Do I need a lawyer?
A lawyer will advise you on the legal consequences of de facto or legal cohabitation and, if you wish, help you draw up a cohabitation contract tailored to your needs and situation.
A lawyer will prevent you from overlooking anything, as he or she knows better than anyone where the snags are and what problems can arise if certain matters are not settled in the event of a break-up or death.
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